By now, many parents know that they should never let their babies sleep on their tummies, so it comes as a surprise when they find out tummy time is important for a baby's development. Babies need to spend some time on their bellies while awake to strengthen their necks and arms and to prevent …
A Feeding Guide for Your Growing Child
When it comes time to introduce new foods to a baby, many parents don’t know where to start. You might receive dozens of suggestions from family members or co-workers, and some of their advice could be contradictory. Even though every child is slightly different, there are some basic guidelines that …
Why Prenatal Vitamins Are a Must
There isn’t a more joyous feeling than finding out that you’re carrying a baby. As you bring life into this world, a new chapter of your life unfolds and a new story begins. However, it falls on you, as the parent, to make your baby’s story start off on the right track. And you can start as soon as …