Wearing a helmet is important. In fact, wearing a helmet is so essential for your safety that wearing one reduces your risk of injury by more than 50%. This is especially true for children, who tend to be less coordinated, and are more likely to sustain serious damage. However, getting your child to …
What to Know About Irregular Periods and Pregnancy
Irregular periods can potentially affect your ability to get pregnant, but don’t fret. Many women go through this and still go on to have healthy pregnancies. By understanding irregular periods and their underlying causes, you can dramatically increase your chances of conception. What Is an …
What are Allergy Shots and How Do They Work?
Allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy, are a treatment for allergies. It involves giving patients small doses of the allergens that cause their allergic reactions. This helps to build up immunity to those allergens over time. Immunotherapy is considered a long-term treatment, and it may take …