Undoubtedly, parenting is one of the most challenging tasks in life. Parenting is not only limited to providing basic needs and showing love. Proper parenting involves observing a child's strengths and weaknesses at every stage of development. One difficulty that parents may experience is handling …
Smokeless Tobacco May Lead to Health Problems
Understanding the health risks associated with smoking is probably more well-known than using smokeless tobacco products. While you may think you are utilizing a healthy alternative by switching from smoking to smokeless tobacco, several possible health risks should still be considered. Changes …
Difference Between Morning Sickness and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
In many pregnancies, morning sickness is one of the earliest signs. It's a normal, harmless condition that affects around 70% of pregnant women. However, there is an extreme form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum. Around 0.5-2% of pregnant women experience it. This condition can …