Heart disease is the top killer of women in the United States and throughout the world. Unfortunately, the media tends to focus on this important health issue in relation to men due to a perception of heart disease being solely a male problem. Although men experience heart disease at higher rates …
Tips for Building Teens’ Self-Esteem
Children and teens need healthy self-esteem to encourage positive mental development and contribute to daily success. People with high self-esteem will feel more comfortable talking to people and going after things in life. Here are some tips on building teens' self-esteem. 1. Get …
How Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversal Work
A vasectomy is a simple and relatively safe procedure to eliminate the possibility of impregnating a partner. During the operation, a doctor removes the connection between reproductive structures in the male anatomy to prevent sperm from entering the urethra. Men who most often receive a vasectomy …