September is Newborn Screening Awareness Month. This annual event helps new and soon-to-be parents learn more about the importance of getting their newborns screened. Celebrate the awareness event by checking out the following three facts about this important health care task. 1. Screening Is …
What To Do When Preparing For Multiples
Finding out that you're pregnant with multiples is always a surprise. You were already preparing for one baby, and now you're going to have two or three? Pregnancies with multiples carry a higher risk of complications and require extra doctor visits, but for dedicated parents, it's worth the extra …
What to Know About Ovarian Cysts
An ovarian cyst is a small, fluid-filled pocket that develops inside of one of a woman's two ovaries. Every woman has two ovaries, which are the small organs inside of a woman's pelvis that produce eggs for purposes of fertilization and reproduction. Fortunately, these cysts are common and often …