After the birth of a baby, it can be hard to know what to expect. You may feel overwhelmed and unsure about how you should take care of your body and your baby after giving birth. This transition period, often known as the fourth trimester, is an important time for parents and their newborns alike …
What to Know About Secondary Infertility
Secondary infertility is the inability for one to become pregnant or carry a baby to term after they've already given birth. It shares many of the same causes and hallmarks of primary infertility and affects approximately 3 million women in the United States. Causes of Secondary …
What to Know About Placentia Previa
When you're pregnant, the hope is that everything will go smoothly from beginning to end. Everyone wants to have a healthy, adorable baby at the end of a pleasant, uneventful pregnancy. While that is the hope for all parents, there are potential complications that can occur along the way.Placenta …