September is Newborn Screening Awareness Month. This annual event helps new and soon-to-be parents learn more about the importance of getting their newborns screened. Celebrate the awareness event by checking out the following three facts about this important health care task. 1. Screening Is …
3 Ways for Teens to Stay Safe in the Sun
Enjoying the sunshine is a great way to stay healthy and have fun, but too much exposure can be harmful and lead to long-term consequences. Taking care of skin dramatically reduces one's risks of developing a variety of skin cancers. It also prevents permanent and short-term damage due to …
What to Expect at Your Baby’s First Doctor’s Appointment
Note: Please review our COVID-19 practices for the latest updates regarding appointments. A baby's first few months of life are filled with firsts: the first smile, first time sleeping through the night (hopefully), first time meeting family, and more. That first week after birth can also be …