As your daughter moves into the tween stage, you know the time has come to discuss puberty and all of its changes, including menstruation. When you think about this conversation you had with your own mother years ago, you may cringe. Instead of having an awkward discussion with your own daughter, …
Screen-Free Indoor Activities to Keep Children Busy
Running out of ways to keep your kids entertained while staying at home? Here are some of our favorite ideas for indoor activities that will keep your kids busy without involving any screens. Arts and Crafts Crafts are a great way to encourage creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, especially …
Neighborhood Walk Scavenger Hunt Checklist
While it’s important to stay at home during this time, it can be relieving to step outside and stretch your legs. If your children are feeling cooped up in the house, go on a scavenger hunt around your neighborhood! Note: Be sure to maintain a proper social distance of at least 6 feet from other …