Although parents may always think of their children as their babies, the truth is that they will eventually advance to the toddler and child stage. It is important that parents are ready to adapt to a child's changing physical and emotional needs as this happens. Children Should Be Given Some …
Why Your Baby Needs Tummy Time
By now, many parents know that they should never let their babies sleep on their tummies, so it comes as a surprise when they find out tummy time is important for a baby's development. Babies need to spend some time on their bellies while awake to strengthen their necks and arms and to prevent …
A Feeding Guide for Your Growing Child
When it comes time to introduce new foods to a baby, many parents don’t know where to start. You might receive dozens of suggestions from family members or co-workers, and some of their advice could be contradictory. Even though every child is slightly different, there are some basic guidelines that …