Autism can be diagnosed in children as young as 2 years old. Early detection can do wonders for a child and help parents better provide for their child’s needs.
Why Is Early Detection a Challenge?
Sadly, early detection doesn’t happen because autism awareness is lacking. Most parents don’t know what to look for. On average, most children who have this disorder aren’t diagnosed until they are between 3 and a half and 4 years of age. Parents and soon-to-be parents need to be aware of the potential signs.
How Can Early Detection Help a Child?
Early detection is important for a number of reasons; for example, it can help you cope with the difficulties of raising a child with this disorder. Children with autism require a different type of attention, and this could be frustrating for parents who don’t know how to meet their child’s needs.
It should be pointed out that early detection can help expose children to intensive behavior analytic interventions earlier in life. This is a care plan that can be put into use at 2 years of age.
These interventions can help children learn the necessary skills that society will require of them throughout their lives. Children learn all of this through play, which makes it easier to understand. These are skills that children with this disorder might not be able to pick up on their own, which makes a program like this important. Early enrollment in a program is vital since the brain’s plasticity is at its peak when one is young.

Signs You Want to Keep in Mind
There are a lot of red flags you should watch out for. If you notice any, you should bring them up the next time you see your medical care specialist. One of the most common signs relates to social interactions.
A child with this disorder will limit his or her responses to anyone and may try to avoid eye contact. An autistic child might not make a lot of facial expressions during social interactions. You might also notice that your child ignores you when his or her name is called and child may not begin talking until 16 months . Children may be interested in strange things, such as repetitive play or things like fans or flickering lights. Keeping an eye out for these and other signs can help you better meet the needs of a child with autism.
Being able to detect autism at an early age can help both child and parent get the tools they need to navigate this disorder.
Do you have more questions about your child’s development? Contact our staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!