A diagnosis of male infertility can be a difficult one to deal with if you are hoping to be able to father children. The reality is that male infertility is quite a complex condition that can be tied to many different causes. Having some knowledge about the topic and getting tested and treated are the best things that you can do if you are having difficulty with the process of conception. Roughly one of three infertility cases with couples is tied to male infertility rather than female infertility. Here are some other important things to know about the topic.
Symptoms Associated With Male Infertility
Though your inability to father a child is one key sign that you might be suffering from male infertility, some other telltale symptoms are linked to the condition. These include difficulty with your sense of smell, pain in your testicles, a decrease in the growth of body and facial hair, and recurring issues with respiratory infections.
Many Factors Can Cause Male Infertility
The factors that can lead to your issue of male infertility are wide-ranging. These can include genetic and hormonal conditions as well as issues related to persistent and chronic illness or even stress. Issues that are immunological in their nature can also lead to infertility.
Sperm Disorders Can Cause Infertility Issues
Issues with your sperm are often at the root of male infertility problems. Sperm that are not shaped correctly or have not grown to full size can be a cause. Other sperm-related issues include sperm that do not move in the correct manner. Problems of low or absent sperm count could also point to infertility.
With Treatment Available, It Is Important to Get Tested
The good news about issues related to male infertility is that there are treatment options through qualified medical professionals. This is no guarantee, but in many cases, treatments are available both in the nonsurgical and surgical range.
If you suffer from male infertility, seeking treatment from a qualified medical provider can be a good next step since the condition can stem from a range of underlying issues.
Do you have more questions about your fertility or other health issues in Salem Oregon? Contact our friendly staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!