Suicide is a devastating situation that affects the lives of so many people. Individuals of all ages, backgrounds and cultures lose their lives every year due to suicide. September 5th-11th is National Suicide Prevention Week, and learning some strategies for preventing suicide can help you intervene and save a life.
Get Trained in QPR
If you’re serious about preventing suicide, get trained in QPR. QPR stands for question, persuade and refer. Look into whether or not your workplace offers this type of training. Schools, for example, may offer this training for their employees. The QPR method helps you to identify signs that a person is considering suicide and to understand how to intervene.
Ask Tough Questions
When you think a person is considering suicide, you need to directly ask. In other words, do not talk around the issue and give the individual an easy way to avoid your real question. You need to directly ask if the person is considering suicide. This type of question is difficult, but it could be the reason why your loved one lives.

Know the Signs
You also need to learn how to recognize the signs that someone might be having suicidal thoughts. Many signs of suicide exist. One indication is if people start to give away their possessions. You might also notice a loved one becoming withdrawn and avoiding activities they enjoy. Recognizing changes in your relatives, friends, students and neighbors can allow you to help them.
Store Emergency Numbers
When it comes to preventing suicide, you are often going to need additional help. Trying to prevent a suicide by yourself can be dangerous for both the individual who is considering or attempting suicide and yourself. Store emergency numbers, such as the one for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 800-273-8255, in your phone. If you work on a campus that has its own public safety or police unit, keep that number, in addition to the number for the local police, in your phone as well. If you suspect that someone is planning to commit suicide, you need to get a professional to intervene. Suicide is a serious issue, and you must treat the prevention of it with attention and care. Learning to recognize the signs and knowing how to respond in a safe, effective way are both crucial parts of the process.
If you are struggling with your mental health, reach out to us at WFMC Health. We offer both in-office and telehealth visits.
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