As the parent of a toddler, you want to be able to provide your child with healthy foods to eat. This can be a difficult task because it is no secret that toddlers do not always cooperate with meal plans and can be notoriously picky. Too many convenience foods on the market are packed with sugar and other artificial fillers, and this can become a big cause for concern when you are trying to focus on making sure your toddler is eating healthy food choices.
It can take some trial and error, but with a bit of effort, it is not difficult to offer your toddler healthy snacks that they will enjoy. The following covers four toddler snack options that are good for them and consistently popular with children who are in that specific age range.
1. Yogurt Is a Consistently Popular Option for Young Children
Yogurt is a snack that is a consistent favorite with toddlers, but it is also a healthy option that offers them valuable nutrients such as calcium and protein. This is a snack that most toddlers tend to enjoy, and it is one that you can feel good about providing.
2. Try Offering Some Cheese
Many toddlers enjoy cheese, and it is hard to argue with this great source of healthy protein, calcium, and fat. You might try something fun like offering your child a piece of string cheese.
3. Raisins Are a Healthy and Sweet Treat
Toddlers love sweet treats, but you are looking to offer something that has some nutritional value. Offering some raisins is a great way to satisfy what your child wants and what you want at the same time.

4. Celery Can Be Jazzed Up With Some Peanut Butter
Many toddlers might find celery boring and bland, but this can be changed by adding some peanut butter. It is a healthy way to make celery much more appealing to your little one.
Helping your toddler develop good eating habits from a young age can pay off in the long run and lead to a lifetime of healthy food choices.
Do you have more questions about keeping your toddler healthy in Salem Oregon? Contact our friendly staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!