Some children think a little bit differently than other kids. This means that the standard methods of teaching don’t reach them. If your child has trouble in school, they may have a learning disability. It’s important to learn about the possible disabilities in order to best help your child. Here are some of the most common learning disabilities.
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a disorder in children that causes them to, as the name suggests, behave in a hyperactive manner. They may not be able to sit still in class. They may also demonstrate a lack of impulse control.
There are a number of ways to address the issue, including medication. Many people are now opting for effective holistic methods that don’t involve medicating a child.
Phonological dyslexia is the most common form of dyslexia, and it causes a person to mix up different components of a word. For example, they may mix up letters in a word and read it as a different word. This can lead to some embarrassing moments and miscommunication.
Dyslexia is not an indication of lower IQ, only language problems. It’s important to keep the child’s confidence up and not let them think they are unintelligent.
Many people take the ability to write for granted. It comes easy to some. However, some children have serious problems when it comes to writing legibly. This disorder is known as dysgraphia.
You may notice a child not being able to write well or holding their pen incorrectly. They may also speak out loud while writing. This may happen with many children as they learn how to write, but children with the disorder struggle well into their childhood and beyond.

There are plenty of people who don’t like math. You may even be one of them. However, children with dyscalculia struggle far more than other children.
They may not be able to pick up even simple concepts. This will keep them behind in math class. Unfortunately, they usually continue to fall further and further behind unless the problem is addressed professionally.
When you know the most common learning disabilities, you’ll make it easier to give your child the help they may need.
If you have any concerns that your child may have a learning disability, consult with their pediatrician and/or teacher to develop a plan.
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