If you’ve felt confused and stressed during the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a good chance that your child is feeling just as flustered. Last year, they went to school five days a week and had the chance to learn from their teachers and talk with their friends. Now, they’re being told that they have to stay home all day and talk to their teacher through a computer screen. It can be a little overwhelming for both parents and children. Here’s some advice on supporting your child’s education while they’re at home.
1. Set Aside a Place for Them to Learn
One of the best things about going to school is getting to leave the house and learn in a fresh but familiar environment. To keep your child in the learning spirit, set aside a place in the house for them to learn every day. You can even decorate the room to make it look like a traditional classroom. If you set aside a special room for learning, your child will feel like they’re actually going to school instead of just staring at a screen.
2. Create a Schedule and Stick With It
Another way to keep your child focused is to maintain a strict schedule. If they get up at the same time every day and adhere to a schedule, it will be easier for them to maintain the mindset of attending school. After all, this isn’t a vacation at home, even if they might think it is at first. They’re still responsible for learning and completing their schoolwork at home.

3. Meet Your Child’s Emotional Needs
This school year is just as confusing for them as it is for you, and your child needs to feel that they can talk to you with any concerns. Make an effort to talk to your child and figure out what’s working and what isn’t. Try to explain to them that they’re doing the right thing by staying home and the most important thing is keeping them and their classmates safe. You can also schedule a video conference so that you and your child can speak with their teacher directly.
Overall, this is a confusing and bewildering time for everyone, but there are simple steps that you can take to make this a comfortable transition for your child.
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