While it’s important to stay at home during this time, it can be relieving to step outside and stretch your legs. If your children are feeling cooped up in the house, go on a scavenger hunt around your neighborhood!
Note: Be sure to maintain a proper social distance of at least 6 feet from other people you see outside.
Ready, Set, Walk!
Ready to get outside? Take a break during your day and try this fun neighborhood walk scavenger hunt we put together for you. To play, bring our list along on your walk and see if you and your children can find everything.

Scavenger Hunt Items:
- Mail box
- Stop sign
- Red car
- Bird
- Wood fence
- Fire hydrant
- Pretty flower
- Squirrel
- Tall tree
- Something blue
- Chimney
- The letter L
- Bicycle
- Dog
- Construction
- Truck
- Rock
- Bug
- Trash can
- The number 4
Create Your Own
Want to stack the deck for your kids or give them more of a challenge? Feel free to adapt our list or create your own! We would love to hear about your neighborhood walk scavenger hunt adventures.
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