The toddler years are quite interesting. In most cases, they’re filled with lots of cuddles, tantrums and adventures. Those years can also wear a parent out. That’s why bedtime can be the most tranquil experience for any parent. To make sure your toddler goes to bed without a hitch, it’s best to create a bedtime routine. Consider the following tips when you’re developing your routine.
Exerting Energy
Most toddlers are balls of energy. This is why it’s a good idea to begin the process in the early afternoon hours. Let your kids play outside or with favorite toys inside to exert some of their extra energy. This will make them tired.
Powering Down
Shortly after dinner time, it’s time to start powering down. Use this as family time. You all can enjoy a few storybooks or a cuddle while watching a movie. Make sure that you turn down the lights during this period. As the rooms get dim, it naturally creates a relaxing atmosphere. It’s also a great idea to make the house a bit cooler to make everyone more likely to get warm in their beds. Eliminate the use of a tablet or a smartphone as the lights can keep the mind stimulated for much longer.
Bath Time Experience
Bath time is a great way to transition into comfort. As you give your toddler a bath, you can also use this as a relaxing time to connect as well. After you’ve scrubbed them down, allow them to enjoy a bubble bath with their favorite toys as you read them a book. Use relaxing scents like lavender in their bath products. Once it’s time to dry them off, keep the room dim and play relaxing spa music. Give them a simple massage as you rub lotion into their skin.
Getting Ready for Bed
Whether or not you have bath time, you can all have person care bedtime routine for toddlers. Give your child a choice between two sets of pajamas, you can even make it a game by challenging them to change in 30 seconds or while singing a short song! Next head to the bathroom to brush their teeth, young children still need supervision and assistance to ensure proper dental hygiene.

Soothing Incentives
If your toddler is afraid of the dark, purchase a night light or a lamp that creates different shapes and colors through the room. Read a bedtime story or give them some warm milk as they get comfortable in the bed. These soothing incentives are great for helping young kids drift off to dreamland.
Never underestimate the power of consistency. When you remain consistent with a bedtime routine, it will become like second nature. Children tend to thrive amid a great routine, so give your toddler the opportunity to enjoy their rest with these tips.
Do you have more questions about keeping your toddler healthy in Salem Oregon? Contact our friendly staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!