Babywearing is a form of infant care that involves carrying children in a carrier during normal daily activities. It allows you to bond with your child, enjoy your freedom, and get some exercise. Babywearing can be done on the front or back. Many types of carriers are available, from soft structured …
Types of Ultrasounds: What to Know
Ultrasounds, also known as sonography, rely on high-frequency sound waves that are translated into images. Ultrasounds are extremely safe and have been most commonly associated with prenatal care to observe the fetus. But, there are many other common types of ultrasounds used in the medical …
Purpose of the Placenta
A placenta is a special temporary organ that's created to protect your baby. It develops right from the blastocyst immediately after conception. It not only protects your baby, but it provides nourishment and air through the umbilical cord. It's comprised of a network of tiny blood vessels that give …