Infertility can be one of the most frustrating, heartbreaking issues for couples looking to start a family. Different factors can lead to this problem in either partner. Though infertility affects around 1 in 5 women in the United States, the reasons why can vary and sometimes be difficult to …
The Flu Shot and Pregnancy
Influenza, more commonly referred to as the flu, is a respiratory illness that can cause mild to severe illness. For people who are pregnant, the flu can be especially dangerous because their bodies and immune systems are going through many changes. The Flu: A Serious Threat During …
The Importance of Regular Breast Exams and Screenings
October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of breast health. Breast cancer affects many lives, making regular breast exams and screenings essential for early detection and effective treatment. Catching Problems Early Saves Lives One …