The switch to daylight saving time (DST) in the spring is a difficult transition for everyone. Because of their heightened sleep needs and sensitivity to changes in their schedule, kids may have the hardest time adjusting. With a little preparation and the right mindset, you can make this yearly …
3 Ways to Help Children Adjust to a New Baby
While the birth of a new sibling can be an exciting time, it is also a massive change in the daily life of an older child. Many children understandably struggle with having to share their parents’ attention with a baby. If your child is having a tough time adjusting to their new sibling, know that …
Anxious Children and Parental Care
Undoubtedly, parenting is one of the most challenging tasks in life. Parenting is not only limited to providing basic needs and showing love. Proper parenting involves observing a child's strengths and weaknesses at every stage of development. One difficulty that parents may experience is handling …