Suicide is a global epidemic, which is why September 10th was named World Suicide Prevention Day in 2003. Over one million people in the world die from suicide each year, and that number is growing. According to, a non-profit dedicated to suicide prevention, awareness, and support, international suicide rates have risen by 60% in the past 45 years. It is so easy to be overwhelmed by the idea of suicide and feel helpless to stop it. That feeling can be applied to both yourself and your loved ones. The best thing you can do to prevent suicide is to take care of your mental health. The following tips can help you take back control of your mental health.
Ask for Help
The absolute best thing you can do for your mental health is to seek help. If you are having suicidal thoughts, it is absolutely critical that you ask for help immediately. Even if you don’t believe you will act on them, ask for help anyway. Asking for help can look different depending on what feels accessible to you. You can reach out to a family member or friend. You can call a suicide hotline. The best option is to seek professional help from a licensed professional that can help you find the treatment plan that will work best for you. No matter what it looks like, ask for help!
Remove as Much Stress as Possible
Stress is a huge factor in taking care of your mental health. While it may seem like a difficult task, removing stress from your life can ease negative mental health symptoms. Take an inventory of your life. Is there anywhere you can drop responsibilities? This could be as small as putting off the dishes for a day to relax. Alternatively, it can be as big as switching jobs. Even eliminating small stressors can have a positive impact on your mental health.

Find a Suitable Coping Mechanism
In addition to professional help like counseling and medication, there are alternative options to help you take care of your mental health. Some options that many people find helpful include:
- Mediation
- Yoga
- Exercise
- Journaling
- Social activities (talking with a friend, coffee dates, clubs, etc.)
You may be surprised how adding just one of these items into your life can make a big impact. Overall, preventing suicide begins with taking care of your mental health. The number one thing to remember is that you shouldn’t, and don’t have to, combat suicidal thoughts on your own. At WFMC Health, we can help. We have in-person and telehealth appointments, so you can pick what’s best for you.
Do you have more questions about mental health in Salem Oregon? Contact our friendly staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!