A vasectomy is a simple and relatively safe procedure to eliminate the possibility of impregnating a partner. During the operation, a doctor removes the connection between reproductive structures in the male anatomy to prevent sperm from entering the urethra. Men who most often receive a vasectomy are older and do not wish to have more children. In some cases, doctors can reverse a vasectomy if a man has changed his mind. Let’s look at both vasectomies and vasectomy reversals and discuss how they work.
What Is a Vasectomy?
Essentially, a vasectomy involves cutting the connection between the vas deferens (the tubes that deliver sperm) to the urethra. In men who have not undergone the procedure, penile muscles push semen inside the urethra out to fertilize a female egg during orgasm. Cutting the tie stops the cycle, and men no longer have to worry about an unexpected pregnancy with their partners. The vast majority of men who receive vasectomies can go home the same day. Serious complications that result from vasectomies are rare.

What Is a Vasectomy Reversal?
The medical community once considered vasectomies to be “permanent” surgical procedures. That is no longer true. Sometimes, for one of many reasons, a man might decide that he would like to reverse the procedure and restore his fertility – perhaps he found a new partner, has a renewed interest in fatherhood, or any number of personal developments that might trigger a change of heart. The good news for these men is that vasectomies are reversible – usually. Factors do play into the equation, such as how long ago the man had the operation and other individual circumstances. It’s important to remember that, even though a vasectomy prevents the release of sperm through ejaculation, that doesn’t mean that the testes ever quit producing sperm. On the contrary, a healthy man continues (generally speaking) to produce sperm through the entire course of his life. If the surgeon can repair the connection between the vas deferens and the urethra, then a man should regain his fertility following a vasectomy reversal. Talk to your doctor if you are considering a vasectomy or if you have already undergone the procedure and wish to reverse it. You can now interact with our healthcare practice digitally through a telehealth patient consultation.
Do you have more questions about your reproductive health in the Willamette Valley? Contact our friendly staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!