The period immediately preceding your child’s birth is an exciting but potentially stressful time. Several actions must be completed, such as arranging transportation to a medical facility, remembering to bring items necessary to ensure your health and comfort, and notifying the appropriate individuals of the impending birth.
On a far more serious note, such arrangements might also include specific information about your medical history. This information could prove critical if you possess any specific health conditions or have experienced any pregnancy complications that could render the labor or delivery process additionally challenging.
Issues That Birth Plans Should Address
The document can address whatever topics you feel are important to your child’s labor and delivery process. That said, medical professionals suggest keeping it as short as possible while covering basic information and labor instructions.
You should include obvious but critical basic information such as your name, your doctor’s name and contact data, and the name of the medical facility where you wish to give birth. It should also cover the individuals you wish to have present when the birth occurs.
You should expect to remain in labor for an extended period. Therefore, your birth plan might include specific instructions for how you envision spending this time. Topics to cover include the type of environment you wish to be in, pain management strategies, delivery preferences, the creature comforts you would like to have at your disposal, and feeding instructions once your child is born.
When to Create a Birth Plan
Birthing experts recommend that you begin this process soon after learning of your pregnancy. There are numerous issues to consider, and your initial feelings or inclinations may change as your due date draws nearer.

Who Should Review the Plan?
The document should be reviewed by your partner, in addition to other individuals who will be intimately involved in the labor or delivery process. Such subjects could be your mother, another close relative, or your labor coach.
Moreover, your intended birthing place should be informed. These facilities might adhere to specific policies. Giving the staff a heads up may prevent problems when it comes time to deliver your baby.
Who Should Receive a Copy of the Plan?
Copies should be distributed to your partner, your doctor, and your intended birthing facility. Your family and anyone expected to be a significant part of the process should also receive a copy.
We know that the birthing process can be exciting and anxiety-laden. Our clinic if fully prepared to help you ensure that the process goes forward as easily and effectively as possible. Additionally, we now offer videoconferencing sessions. Therefore, you can voice your questions or concerns directly to one of our team members without leaving home.
Do you have more questions about your prenatal health in Salem Oregon? Talk to our staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!