September is Newborn Screening Awareness Month. This annual event helps new and soon-to-be parents learn more about the importance of getting their newborns screened. Celebrate the awareness event by checking out the following three facts about this important health care task.
1. Screening Is Perfectly Normal
While the process may be nerve-wracking, it’s important to know that every newborn goes through a health screening. Newborn screening is the process of testing babies for anything that could impact their quality of life down the road. During the screening, your pediatrician will test for things like hearing loss, cystic fibrosis, and sickle cell disease. When detected early, most of the diseases can be treated.
2. It’s Required in Every State
Newborn screening saves lives and ensures that every baby gets the best life it can have. It also helps parents prepare for the road ahead. That’s why every state requires that hospitals screen newborns in the first few days after they’re born. Most of the time, this is done before the baby leaves the hospital with their proud parents. An exhausted mama might not even remember hearing about her newborn’s screening if everything comes back normal.

3. Additional Screening Tests Are Available
All states require that newborns undergo a screening process, but every state has different requirements regarding specific tests. For example, your state might not screen for hearing loss in the first few days after a baby is born, but another state might. If you’re worried about a specific disease or you want to learn more about what disorders will be screened for, talk with your pediatrician. They’ll be able to walk you through the screening process and let you know if you should consider any additional screening.
Newborn screening is an important step to keep your baby happy and healthy. It can be scary if something is detected, but this early detection can save your child’s life and ensure that they’re able to live the best life possible. If you want to learn more about newborn screening, talk to a pediatrician today. Our clinic is now offering video appointments to answer all of your parenting questions.
Do you have more questions about keeping your newborn baby healthy in Salem, Oregon? Contact our friendly staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!