There’s nothing simple about raising children. This is especially true once children enter their teenage years. The hormones, peer pressure and self-discovery can all be interesting facets to deal with. While there’s time to talk about all of those experiences, you don’t want to forget about the conversation surrounding hygiene and personal grooming. Consider the following tips to help your teenager navigate this challenging time
Make This a Private Conversation
When you’re teaching your daughter about the details of her period, this isn’t a conversation you need to have in front of her other siblings or her friends. In fact, it’s a great idea to make this conversation private. If you’re the mother, you’ll want to talk to your daughter about this. If you’re the father, you may want to talk to your son about the details of manhood. Sometimes, these conversations come across better when they come from a parent of the same sex.

Use Delicate Language
Never use language that sounds shameful or derogatory. To tell your preteen that they need to wear deodorant because they stink is a great way to get them to shut down. It can be very embarrassing to deal with changes like body odor. If you create a safe space for the conversation to happen, it’ll be a lot easier for them to absorb the information.
Develop a New Regimen and Routine
It’s not enough to tell your preteen that they need to start wearing deodorant or using a feminine product. As their parent, you need to take them to the store to pick out options. Allow them to choose the option that seems the most attractive to them. If you have a preteen who is developing large breasts early, show them the simple tricks like swiping a bit of deodorant underneath the breasts to maintain a sweet smell and keep the sweat at bay.
As you work through this interesting journey with your preteen, don’t be surprised if you have to explain some concepts over and over again. While you might feel like a broken record at first, keep in mind that this is new information for them. It might take them a while to fully process what is happening, and they will naturally be curious.
Talking to your preteen about hygiene is important. Make sure you take the time to explain things in detail and remember to choose your words carefully.
Do you have more questions about raising healthy preteens in Salem Oregon? Contact our friendly staff at WFMC Health or become a new patient today!