At WFMC Health, we want expectant mothers to be completely at ease. We welcome new mothers and practiced moms alike. Our team of friendly, supportive professionals want to provide a comfortable, welcoming space for you. Our goal is for you to see our commitment to you and your family’s health. During your pregnancy, you can count on us to listen, offer hands-on advice and work with you to deliver quality maternity care.
Comprehensive maternity care includes Centering Pregnancy® classes to better prepare you for the birth of your baby, followed by personalized care to assure your family is off to a healthy start.
Prenatal care helps you stay safe and healthy during pregnancy. During regular checkups, our welcoming physicians will provide care for you and your future baby, monitor development, and answer any questions you may have. Our doctors and nurses are ready to help and support you as you move towards birth.
We also provide a Moms Support Group through Compass Perinatal Peer Support for pregnant and postpartum moms. Whether you are going through stress, adjustment to parenting, Baby Blues, or postpartum depression/anxiety, we are here for you. Join us at WFMC Health on Fridays from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Babies are welcome!
Maternity Care Salem Oregon
Meet our Maternity Care Providers

We strive to make sure our comprehensive maternity care is personal and comfortable for everyone involved. Our maternity care includes Centering Pregnancy® classes that better prepare you for the birth of your baby, as well as personalized follow-up care to assure your family is off to a healthy start. You can trust us to take care of you and your baby throughout the entire process.
WFMC Health is dedicated to making this experience special for you and your family. We are proud to provide quality health services and education to all patients, regardless of language or financial barriers. If you have questions, we have the answers.
Looking for exceptional maternity care or have questions about your pregnancy? Come see us. WFMC is here for you and your family.
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