Psychodynamic therapy helps people understand why they behave the way they do. Also known as insight-oriented therapy, the approach can help patients become more self-aware. Instead of going from crisis to crisis, insight helps people to make better decisions to improve their circumstances. This …
The Difference Between Milk Allergy and Lactose Intolerance
Detecting Milk Allergy in Infants Food allergies are common among babies and small children, and an allergy to milk is the leading type of food allergy. About 2.5 percent of children under the age of three develop some kind of milk allergy, usually during their first year of life. Because …
3 Types of Behavioral Health Providers
Behavioral health and mental health providers are physicians and counselors who treat a number of problems. They address issues that occur due to behaviors or those that arise from an underlying mental health issue. Since behavioral health covers a range of illnesses, different practitioners may be …