A pregnancy complication can happen to any woman. One potential complication to know about is a molar pregnancy. A molar pregnancy occurs when there is an unusual growth of cells called trophoblasts. Continue reading to learn more about molar pregnancy and its symptoms. Types of Molar …
Tilted Uteruses and Pregnancy
Around one out of every five women has a tilted uterus, also referred to as a retroverted uterus. If you are one of them, at some point, when you see a gynecologist, you will be informed of it. This is what you need to know about having a tilted uterus and how it can affect your daily life and …
What Should I Expect When My Baby Drops?
You may have heard the term "baby drop" used to describe a change in the position of your baby in your womb. This process often occurs in the later stages of pregnancy and signals that your baby is preparing for delivery. When Should You Expect Your Baby to Drop? Most women will experience …