The local library can be one of the best places for children to visit. Not only does it offer a wealth of books and resources, but it also offers vital opportunities for learning and growth. Here are four great benefits of getting your child a library card and spending time at the library. 1. …
Tips to Help with Sibling Rivalry
Sibling rivalry is a common problem in many families. When a baby is born, they need attention and love. With more children in a home, they are all vying for love and attention. It is only natural that as they grow older, this rivalry might translate into arguments and conflict. If not properly …
School Exclusion Day is February 15
Certain vaccinations are required for school-aged children by state laws across the U.S. The idea is to protect every child from highly contagious diseases such as measles or chickenpox, and eradicated viruses such as polio. Without these vaccines, children are susceptible to contracting and …